
Support at EazyRecruit

We at EazyRecruit answer your questions as well as queries via Github. As the project is open-source and the answers come from volunteers on Github, the responses may not be as early as expected. Moreover, apart from getting answers to your questions, do ensure that you contribute to the open-source community for its continuous growth and development.

Issue Reporting

For any question concerning the Open Source version of EazyRecruit, Github is the best place to post those. In case you find a bug or an issue in EazyRecruit, then the first and foremost thing is to check if the issue has been reported by someone else or not (to find answers quickly). If it hasn’t been reported, then please feel free to post it there to get the help needed.
At Github, you can not only post your questions, but also gain from the enriching content shared by other members. Moreover, if you believe that you have a great idea that has the potential to become a great feature in EazyRecruit, Github is the place to talk about it too!

EazyRecruit Paid Services

Need help with customization, deployment, and issue resolving with the open-source code of EazyRecruit? 
Our developers can do that for you and save you the long-hours by managing the entire process.