Make an impression on candidates - Eazyrecruit

How to Make an Impression on Candidates During an Interview?

There are thousands of articles available for candidates on how to create a positive impact on the recruiter. However, only a few in the world think from the recruiters’ point of view.

When it comes to interviewing, it is certainly a combined effort. As the candidate, it is crucial for an employer to make an impression on candidates during an interview. It is a platform that allows you to showcase the values and culture of your organization. Since you are going to represent your company, you ought to nail it.

Quickly Make an Impression on Candidates with These Practical Tips

Candidates start deducing right from the moment he enters the interview room. If you want to attract the applicant, you need to show your conviction and make healthy efforts. Here are a few practical tips that can help you to promote a positive reflection of your organization.

Have the Right Attitude

It takes a positive attitude to achieve positive results. It will be your attitude towards the candidate that will determine your impression during the interview. So, before you meet the candidate, take a little time to get yourself in the interview mode and let all the stress wait outside.

Explicitly Define Your Hopes with Them

Nothing can put the candidate off if the recruiter is unclear on what exactly he is looking for. Being an efficient hiring person, you can easily make a good first impression on candidates if you explain why the vacancy has been created and what are you searching for. It will also help the candidate to figure out the motive of the interview.

Take Time to Prepare

It doesn’t look good if the applicant is not prepared for the interview. Like him, you should prepare for the interview as well; It is a combined effort, remember! For the preparation, you can start listing some key questions which you want to ask the candidate. These questions will help you analyze the capabilities of the candidate and check if he fits in your organization.

Run on Schedule

It is kind of rude if you keep the interviewee waiting for long hours. Although, most of the current organizations do this for unknown reasons. It sends a bad impression on the candidate if you make him sit on the couch and let him wait for hours.

Keep Your Body Language in Check

Your body language sends certain cues to the person sitting in front of you. As an interviewer, you must pay attention to your body language to make an impression on candidates. Making eye contacts, nodding appropriately with a smile, and open hand gestures will project a positive image of you.

Prevent Distractions

Preventing or avoiding distractions like checking phone or emails can help you concentrate during the interview. Focusing on the candidate will not only help you retrieve more information but will also help build a remarkable impression on the candidate.

Let Him Speak Too

One of the main reasons your impression gets ruined in front of the candidate when you do not let him speak. Ensure you give equal opportunities to the interviewee to speak and share his thoughts to make a lasting impression. However, that does not mean you spend an hour chatting with them to make them comfortable. Make sure you run a professional and effective interview.

Wrap Things Up Positively

Regardless of how the conversation went, treat all the applicants with respect and wrap the interview on a positive note. For instance, you can shake their hands with a big smile, so they leave the office with a positive impression on you and the company.

Share Quick Feedback

Interview feedback let the candidates analyze what went well and what mistakes they have committed. In most of the situations where the candidate gets rejected, the companies tend to avoid calling them for the feedback. But this is still something which you should do to maintain a professional relationship.

It’s important for every employer to maintain a healthy professional relationship with the candidate. If you follow these 9 tips, you will surely make a lasting impression and increase the chances of better hiring.

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